Sierra de Santo Domingo comarca cinco villas

The Sierra de Santo Domingo y Lucientes

It was declared on 8 April 2015 protected landscape. It is the first in the province of Zaragoza, and is among the four of Aragon. Near Sos of the Catholic King and our cottage.

This natural environment offers the possibility of performing activities of active tourism will be professionally developed in the coming years. This will contribute, in the opinion of experts, to the creation of many companies in tourism and the consolidation of population in the region of Cinco Villas.

This is the official way of recognizing the very important scenic and environmental value of this mountainous area that lies between the Pyrenees and the Ebro Valley.

This protected landscape of the Sierra de Santo Domingo is encuantra in the towns of Biel-Fuencalderas, Longás, Luesia and covers a total area of 14000 hectares, the actual area 10000 and 4000 in the peripheral area.

This well-deserved recognition not only looks for the environmental protection of this valuable space but it, simultaneously, aims to promote the socio-economic and demographic development of the agricultural, livestock activities and tourism linked to the conservation of the environment.

It is an area ZEPA (area of special protection for birds) and four zones LIC (sites of Community interest) the Declaration of protected area comes to enhance this area of interest.



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