A few days ago we received certification of the assessment in Booking.com from our users. As you can see we have improved in one-tenth compared with last year. We have reached the 530 reviews 9.2. It is a daily challenge for us not only maintain the level of satisfaction of our clients, but always try to contribute a little more to make the stay in the Casa del Infanzón an experience of which boast.
One of the things that we like to highlight is the relative to the location in which the score is 9.2. While our accommodation not has with access for car by find is in full neighborhood of the Jewish (area pedestrian), our customers have known understand that is more important have a stay pleasant that walk some meters with the suitcase. When we choose the location of the House were aware of the problem that can not come with vehicle, but we knew that once here stroll these streets so authentic experience would overcome the small effort.
The rest of assessments also satisfy us since they show that the work we do every day is recognized. The friendliness, personal attention, dedication in which everything is impeccable are elements that have valued very positively, and we are very proud of what.
Only remains to say thank you and that we will continue to work with the same enthusiasm and intensity for possible improve this qualification.