Enjoy the spring in Sos

Enjoy the spring in Sos

Region five Villas boasts a huge legacy, heritage and nature.

Spring is one of the most vital seasons of the year and therefore allows us to enjoy all this offer more intensely.

We encourage you to learn about our mountains, Sierra de Santo Domingo, Bardenas, our Romanesque Heritage, the Valdonsella, Sádaba, Uncastillo, Sos of the Catholic King, Biel, our Jewish Luesia, Biel, Luna Sos and Uncastillo, the Roman site of the Bañales and our cuisine, wineries, etc. etc.leyre320141013_125807 (Copy)RUESTA Gcast 1isaba-2



Contacto para consultas: reservas@casadelinfanzon.com Tfno:+ 34 605 940 536